Cloud Crowd: Simple Site To More Earning
Cloud Crowd
CloudCrowd is where work gets done. They bring together companies that need work done with people who want to work and get paid. When a company gives us a project, they break it down into a smaller set of tasks that you complete using our Facebook work application. You select the tasks you'd like to work on, and are typically paid the same business* day via PayPal for each approved task.
Finding Interesting Work
They currently offer a steady stream of tasks ranging from simple online profile verifications to Chicago Manual of Style editing. Whether you're a work-at-home-mother or a freelance professional, there is always work to fit your lifestyle and education level. You can visit our Worker Community pages for General Writing, Marketing Writing, or Editing jobs to view the list of current projects with details.
Doing Work
You can perform tasks by accessing our Facebook application after getting started. You will be prompted with a set of instructions and maybe even a link to further guidance and examples. You must follow the instructions provided to you and your work will be graded using the same instructions as criteria.
How Your Work Gets Evaluated
Your work generally is reviewed by another worker, and may be approved, Reviewer Corrected or rejected. If your work is approved, you will be paid the full amount + the stated bonus amount. If your work is Reviewer Corrected and approved, you will be paid the full amount, however, the bonus will go to your peer reviewer.
How Credibility Works
When you start, you get a Credibility of 30. Over time, as you do good work, your Credibility will rise, and you'll find it easier to get the best jobs and make more money. If you make too many mistakes, though, your credibility will fall.
How Credentials Work
To access some of our tasks workers are required to obtain Credentials, other simple tasks do not require a Credential. Tasks that require Credentials include a translation, writing, and editing. Tasks that do not require Credentials include online research, data entry and verification. Obtaining Credentials allows you to access higher paying and a wider variety of work. They highly encourage all workers to attempt to obtain Credentials to get the most out of our platform. You can find all available Credentials test by selecting the "Credential" tab in the CloudCrowd Facebook application.
Step For Joining Cloud Crowd
1. Login Your Facebook Account ( New Tab From Your Browser)
2. Then Click The Link
3. Appear a Credential Test, I think It's Too Easy.
4. If You From USA you can earn more money. because its providing more works to workers from USA.